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UFERSA researcher develops child safety seat alert system

Internationalization 20 de maio de 2019. Visualizações: 612. Última modificação: 19/06/2019 09:03:43

The use of child restraint devices is mandatory in Brazil since 2008. Besides this type of device reduces dramatically fatal injuries in babies or toddlers involved in car crashes, it was observed that the more this type of device is used, the higher is the amount of deaths as a result of children being left accidentally inside vehicles. Rogério Taygra, professor and researcher at the Federal University of the Semi-arid Region (UFERSA), in Brazil, along with the undergraduate students Moisés dos Santos and Marcus Costa, developed a child safety seat alert system aiming at preventing this type of accident.

The current alert systems available in the market are based on weight sensors and child reminder apps, but these are high cost technologies and depend on the car’s battery. Professor Taygra’s device has presence sensors in each of the vehicle’s seats, and own algorithm and energy source. Costa says this device prevents accidents with children left in vehicles. According to the student, this project highlights UFERSA’s role in the development of research and innovation. Professor Taygra has already filed a patent request and ensures it will be a low cost and high efficiency system.