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Rankings and Awards

Internationalization 19 de junho de 2019. Visualizações: 514. Última modificação: 21/06/2019 07:43:57

Because of its research and internationalization incomes, UFERSA has been being recognized both by international rankings and through awards granted in academic congresses.

THE University Impact Ranking 2019

UFERSA is one of the 15 ranked Brazilian universities in the Times Higher Education Impact Ranking 2019, which has considered the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for the first time. The best scored SDG related to activities developed at UFERSA were: promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all; reduce inequality within and among countries; and ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

According to Prof. Felipe Ribeiro, who coordinated the institutional subscription in the ranking, considering the SDG highlights activities over and above the traditional role of the university. This is particularly interesting for institutions like UFERSA, which has singular social and environmental features. For further information about the ranking, click here.


Student is granted an award in international fair in the US

The 18-year-old student, Ekarinny de Medeiros, was the only one to represent the State of Rio Grande do Norte in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF 2019) in Phoenix, Arizona. Medeiros studies Science at UFERSA and while in High School she developed the project awarded in the fair. Her project tested the cashew nut shell liquid to prevent systemic infection and it was awarded in 2 categories: Patent and Trademark Office Society (Top 1), and Translational Medical Science (Top 4).

Medeiros’s teacher and mentor in the project, Ms. Luisa Kiara, is very happy with the award and highlights the challenges they faced to conduct the experiments in the public school. Kiara celebrated the fact the project could be shared with many people once there is an invitation to publish the results in the International Journal of High School Research.

Best Research Award

A research conducted at UFERSA has just been awarded as the best research in the Brazilian Congress on Animal Reproduction. The PhD student, Erica Praxedes, presented the research during the congress and a board of internationally renowned examiners granted the award of best research on wild animals. Praxedes was mentored by Dr. Alexandre Rodrigues, who has a broad expertise in wild animal reproduction and conservation, and they investigated the reproduction of peccaries (Pecari tacaju).