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UFERSA is the Brazilian federal university with the highest solar power potential

Internationalization 19 de junho de 2019. Visualizações: 635. Última modificação: 19/06/2019 11:12:52

Four new solar power plants were opened at UFERSA this month, which represents a strong increase in the production of clean power. The first one is located on the Engineering building, at the main campus, in Mossoró, and its 420 panels will generate up to 147 kW. This is enough electricity to supply the Engineering building itself, which has 4 floors with classrooms and laboratories. Also, solar power plants were opened in the other campuses: Angicos, Caraúbas, and Pau dos Ferros. Each campus will generate up to 62.7 kW and, thus, provide savings of about R$ 6,000 a month. The president, Dr. José de Arimatea de Matos, attended all opening ceremonies and stated that, besides the savings provided by the new solar power plants, they will play an important role in teaching-learning and research activities.