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Portuguese language proficiency certificate open for registrations

Internationalization 7 de agosto de 2019. Visualizações: 487. Última modificação: 09/08/2019 09:07:22

Foreigners can now apply for the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese as a Foreign Language (Celpe-Bras). The application period is from 5 to 18 August, 2019. The exam dates at UFERSA, which is an accredited exam post in Brazil, are 16 and 18 October, 2019.

Celpe-Bras is composed of written and oral tests. The written test consists of four written essays covering more than one Portuguese language skills and demands the test taker to write in Portuguese based on different sources, such as videos, audio files, and written texts. The oral test is a face-to-face interaction between the test taker and the examiner. For further information about Celpe-Bras, access the Call for application.


Written test: 16 October, 2019 (3-hour long)

Oral test: 16 and 18 October, 2019 (20-minute long)