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The Animal Production Graduate Program (PPGPA) at UFERSA offers Master’s degree in association with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The program aims at training professionals for teaching and research institutions, but mainly for the productive sector in order to enhance social and economic development.

International students can apply for a scholarship offered by the Exchange Program for Graduate Students (PEC-PG), supported by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).

PEC-PG provides students form developing countries with which Brazil maintains educational, cultural or scientific-technological agreement the opportunity to pursue doctoral studies in a Brazilian higher education institution. For information on the call for applications access (in Portuguese).

Moreover, students from Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS) can apply for PPGPA under the Partnerships Program for Education and Training (PAEC). The program aims at the integration of the Americas by granting scholarships for students to pursue graduate studies in a Brazilian university.

For further information about PAEC, access (in Portuguese).

As PPGPA focuses researches on the field of Animal Production, studies can be conducted in the 3 following research focus areas:

  • Ruminant Production and Forage Crops
  • Technology and Quality of Animal Products
  • Non-ruminant Production Systems
  • Alexandre Paula Braga (
  • Carlos Iberê Alves Freitas (
  • Cristiano Queiroz de Albuquerque (
  • Dejair Message
  • Edna Maria Mendes Aroucha (
  • Humberto Gomes Hazin (
  • Jean Berg Alves da Silva (
  • José Ticiano Arruda Ximenes de Lima (
  • Liz Carolina da Silva Lagos Cortes Assis (
  • Patrícia de Oliveira Lima (
  • Rodrigo Silva da Costa (

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Mailing address:

Animal Production Graduate Program – PPGPA/UFERSA

572 Francisco Mota Ave. – Costa e Silva

Mossoró, RN 59625-900


10 de abril de 2019. Visualizações: 3273. Última modificação: 29/01/2021 11:14:19