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The Graduate Program in Cognition, Technologies and Institutions (PPGCTI) is an interdisciplinary program administered under the Human and Applied Social Sciences Center of UFERSA. PPGCTI houses researchers in the Human, Social, and Applied Social Sciences (such as Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Education, Administration, Social Work), Computer Science, Collective Health, Engineering, and in the Interdisciplinary field (Educational Informatics).

International students can apply for PPGCTI under the Exchange Program for Graduate Students (PEC-PG), supported by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).

Students from developing countries with which Brazil maintains educational, cultural or scientific-technological agreement can apply for a scholarship under the call for applications announced every year in the program’s webpage. For information on dates and deadlines, scholarships and the list of eligible countries access (in Portuguese).

Technology Development and Integration in Society

This area covers studies aimed at developing, applying and improving materials (techniques, methods, different technologies, and computer systems) for the development and enhancement of cognitive and subjective processes in the experience of individuals and social institutions. Also, studies are aimed at the planning, use and (qualitative and / or quantitative) empirical evaluation of technologies that may involve different devices, such as the production of multimedia collections, online and classroom-based environments, and management processes for organizations.

Technologies are thought to be composed of objects, artifacts, and methodologies containing human functionalities and they are seen as social products that carry culture potentialities and qualities. Studies may include different technical artifacts, social technologies, soft technologies, and computer technologies. It is proposed the development of technologies to enhance human relations in organizations, artifacts to complexify social interactions and problematize the new forms of common life produced in the interaction Cognition-Technologies-Institutions in a theoretical, methodological, ethical, and political approach.

The ethical dimension crosses this focus area and encourages thinking about knowledge and its relationship with institutions and collectives. In line with the very nature of the program and, in particular, the nature of the complexity of the processes that integrate the human, ethical, technical and institutional dimensions, this area is based on an interdisciplinary approach, and covers qualitative or quantitative studies in which the development and integration of technologies meet the needs of individuals, communities, institutions, and social organizations.


Human, Social and Technical Experiences

This focus area covers the topics: cognition; subjectivation; the changes that technologies promote in human institutions and experience; methodologies; and organizational processes in society. It is focused on configuration forms of social structures and organizations, modulations of cognition in the experience of individuals in social institutions and organizations, labor relations, and effects of technologies on the experience of individuals and collectives.

This area has a strong interdisciplinary vocation, focusing on the dialogue between human and social sciences and the sciences in charge of the technical creation. It contributes predominantly to the understanding of the experience in the context of a new cognition emerged together with technologies, and the possibilities of establishing ways of being, doing and feeling in organizations.

In this focus area, studies:

  1. are based on an interdisciplinary approach and consider sociocultural production as human, creative, and meaningful activities supported by projects and perspectives on cognition, technologies and institutions;
  2. involve procedural qualitative methodologies, such as: intervention research, focus groups, photographic interventions, video interventions, discursive analyzes, and others. But they also promote the development of quantitative analyzes that contribute to the understanding of the main topics in the area;
  3. are aimed at exploring the relationship among human, social and technical experiences, including a variety of approaches and research objects. By distinguishing two dimensions of experience (life experience and ontological or pre-reflected experience), studies in this area are committed to human, social, and technical processes involved in different contexts in which we construct ways of explaining and producing the world in which we live.

Technology Development and Integration in Society

  • Alan Martins de Oliveira (
  • Alex Sandro Coitinho Sant’ana (
  • Bruno de Sousa Monteiro (
  • Deise Juliana Francisco
  • Francisco Milton Mendes Neto (
  • Gerciane Maria da Costa Oliveira (
  • Raimunda Hermelinda Maia Macena 
  • Rodrigo Nogueira de Codes (

Human, Social, and Technical Experiences

  • Agostinha Mafalda Barra de Oliveira (
  • João Mário Pessoa Júnior (
  • Karla Rosane do Amaral Demoly (
  • Kyara Maria de Almeida Vieira (
  • Ludimilla Carvalho Serafim de Oliveira (
  • Rémerson Russel Martins (
  • Thadeu de Sousa Brandão (
  • Yákara Vasconcelos Pereira (

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Mailing address:

Graduate Program in Cognition, Technologies and Society – PPGCTI/UFERSA

572 Francisco Mota Ave. – Costa e Silva

Mossoró, RN 59625-900


3 de maio de 2019. Visualizações: 1423. Última modificação: 06/11/2019 09:09:02