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The Electrical Engineering Graduate Program (PPGEE) started activities in 2011 with the aim of training human resources for teaching institutions, private companies, industry, and public agencies in order to promote social and economic development in the semi-arid region, especially in the State of Rio Grande do Norte.

International students can apply for PPGEE under the Exchange Program for Graduate Students (PEC-PG), supported by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).

Students from developing countries with which Brazil maintains educational, cultural or scientific-technological agreement can apply for a scholarship under the call for applications announced every year in the program’s webpage. For information on dates and deadlines, scholarships and the list of eligible countries access (in Portuguese).

The program covers studies on the several types of data processing, especially Telecommunications, and Automation and Control, including the use of alternative sources of energy. There are 3 research focus areas:

  • Telecommunications and Applied Electromagnetism
  • Control and Automation Systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Adriano Aron Freitas de Moura (
  • André Pedro Fernandes Neto (
  • Antônio Ronaldo Gomes Garcia (
  • Cecilio Martins de Sousa Neto (
  • Danielle Simone da Silva Casillo (
  • Fabiana Karla de Oliveira Martins Varella (
  • Glauco Fontgalland
  • Humberto Dionísio de Andrade (
  • Idalmir de Souza Queiroz Júnior (
  • José Patrocínio da Silva (
  • Leiva Casemiro Oliveira (
  • Leonardo Augusto Casillo (
  • Marcelo Roberto Bastos Guerra Vale (
  • Marcus Vinicius Silverio Costa (
  • Melinda Cesianara Silva da Cruz (
  • Rodrigo Soares Semente (
  • Victor de Paula Brandão Aguiar (

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Mailing address:

Electrical Engineering Graduate Program – PPGEE/UFERSA

572 Francisco Mota Ave. – Costa e Silva

Mossoró, RN 59625-900


3 de maio de 2019. Visualizações: 2413. Última modificação: 31/10/2019 15:15:50