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The Graduate Program in Law (PPGD) at UFERSA was created on January 9, 2019 and is aimed at the verticalization of legal education so that a new cycle of training for researhers and lecturers may benefit both higher education institutions that offer a Law program and other programs delivering legal courses in their curricula. The program is designed to overcome regional gaps and counts on the consolidated broader field “Law, Democracy, and Socio-economic Conflicts” and 2 focus areas: 1) Constitution, development, and changes in the economic and social order and 2) State, conflict, and fundamental rights.

In this page you will find detailed information on PPGD activities, objectives, research projects, focus areas and broader filed of interest, faculty members, students, curricula, internationalization efforts, admissions, and theses defended.

22 de janeiro de 2021. Visualizações: 1041. Última modificação: 29/01/2021 09:13:44