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The Federal Rural University of the Semi-arid Region – UFERSA was created on August 1st 2005 by Law No 11.155 which transformed the Superior School of Agronomy of Mossoro (ESAM) into a Federal University. ESAM was a municipal Higher Education Institution created on April 18th 1967 by Decree No 03/67 and incorporated to the federal education system as a Governmental agency under special regime by Decree No 1036 on October 21st 1969.

It is located in the central-west region of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil, mainly in areas of semi-arid climate. Throughout Higher Education specific activities, UFERSA seeks to contribute to regional development by creating alternatives and solutions for local problems, especially those affecting people and Caatinga ecosystem.

The university is a place for collective building of knowledge and higher education and, thus, one of its main role is educating critical professionals who are aware of their citizenship and able to take responsibilities and commit themselves to their demands.

25 de agosto de 2016. Visualizações: 6997. Última modificação: 05/02/2019 09:11:35