Início do cabeçalho do portal da UFERSA



Ministry of Education – Brazilian Ministry of Education website with information for all foreign students in Brazil

Science Without Borders – Science Without Borders is a program which aims at promoting the consolidation, expansion and internationalisation of science and technology, innovation and competitiveness in Brazil through interchange and international mobility. Read more about the program.

Proficiency in Portuguese – The certification of proficiency in Portuguese as a foreign language (Celpe-Bras) is given to foreign students with satisfactory performance in a standardized test in Portuguese delivered by the Brazilian Ministry of Education. The test is applied in Brazil and in other countries with the support of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Read more.

Visa – For information and procedures to require the Foreign Resident Registration in Brazil access the Brazilian Federal Police’s website.

Consular office – Itamaraty – Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website contains information and procedures for Brazilians abroad and foreigners in Brazil.

2 de dezembro de 2016. Visualizações: 1945. Última modificação: 11/04/2019 13:16:26