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The Agricultural Sciences Center (CCA) was formed in 2016 using the existing human, administrative, financial and didactic-scientific resources of the dissolved Department of Plant Sciences. Some of the leading-edge facilities that make up the CCA infrastructure are:

  • Center for Generation and Transfer of Animal Production Technology in the Semi-arid Region
  • Experimental Farm
  • Veterinary Hospital
  • Laboratories
  • Research Centers

CCA’s mission is to produce and disseminate knowledge in the area of Agricultural Sciences, especially regarding Brazil’s semi-arid region, contributing to the sustainable development and the full exercise of citizenship, through humanistic, critical and reflexive training for professionals to better serve the society.

The center houses almost 100 tenured faculty members and more than 1,100 students enrolled in traditional and flagship institutional Undergraduate Programs:


  • Agronomy
  • Forestry
  • Fishery Engineering
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Zootechnics


In 2019, Graduate Studies in CCA count on 20 faculty members, more than 300 enrolled students, 25 funded research projects, 77 scholarchips for undergraduate researchers, and 3 funded extension projects. CCA has 6 Graduate Programs. These include:


  • Environment, Technology and Society
  • Animal Sciences
  • Animal Production
  • Crop Sciences
  • Soil and Water Management
  • Veterinary Medical Residency


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3 de abril de 2019. Visualizações: 3945. Última modificação: 17/04/2019 10:47:10